B i o g r a p h y
Derek J. Rickard was born May 21, 1993 in Wilkes-Barre, PA. He is a local portrait artist and has officially been studying art since 2010.
Although the passion to draw runs through both sides of his family Derek has managed to learn to draw on his own. Throughout college however, he studied personally under several published artists. Dereks main goal is to achieve the exact same look as the reference photo that he is working off of, with every small detail. Derek specializes in portraits and realism but also enjoys the creative freedom associated with caricatures and tattoo designs. Unless noted otherwise, every piece of artwork that Derek does is done completely freehand (no stencils or tracing). His main medium of choice is pencil (graphite) but he also works in charcoal and in computer programs such as: Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CS6, Adobe After Effects, Windows Movie Maker, Final Cut Pro, etc...
"I draw because I love to draw. I love art and I strive to improve with every new piece of artwork that I do. If you'd like me to create a piece of artwork that would meet your needs please don't hesitate to contact me via email or Facebook message for prices and further details."